Halton Stop Smoking Service

Stop Smoking Support for age 12 yrs upwards for Halton residents and none Halton residents that work in Halton. By appointment only. The Stop Smoking Service offers free advice and support, tailored to the individual needs of the smoker, by trained and supportive staff. The service also offers:

  • Access to free or reduced cost Nicotine Replacement Therapy or stop smoking medications.
  • Carbon Monoxide Readings to see how well you’ve done

On Thursdays we offer NHS Health Checks to Halton residents and local workplaces to promote and support individuals to make healthy lifestyle changes. Your blood pressure, cholesterol, and BMI will be checked as well as diabetes and your results given to you.  The Health Checks will be by appointment only, please call the Health Improvement Team for more information.

Mon:     9:00 – 12:30     Halton Stop Smoking Service

1:15 – 4:00          Halton Stop Smoking Service

Weds:   9:00 – 12:30       Halton Stop Smoking Service

1:15 – 4:00          Halton Stop Smoking Service

Thurs:   9:00 – 12:00       Halton Stop Smoking Service

12:30 – 4:00       NHS Health Checks

Fri:          9:00 – 12:00       Halton Stop Smoking Service

1:00 – 4:00         Halton Stop Smoking Service

Phone Number
Stall Number
Q3 and Q4

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